Length: 7–9 meters.
Weight: 6–8 tons.
Worldwide population: Unknown.
Life expectancy: Ca 50 years


Northern Bottlenose Whale drawing


The Northern Bottlenose Whale



In Icelandic waters the average size of male adults is 8,4 m and 7½-8½ tons, and females 8,4 m and 5,8-7 tons.  Life expectancy is 40-60 years.  The snout is narrow, the forehead is high and convex, and it contains whale oil, which was used for laxatives and salve.  The front part of the lower jaw has one 2-4 cm long tooth on each side.  The fluke is not indented and the colour is dark grey and the underside is somewhat lighter.

The bottlenoses habituate the deep ocean areas between New York and the Mediterranean during winter and are spotted all the way south to Cape Verde and then migrate to the Arctic Ocean.  They occur all around the country, but mostly between Iceland and Jan Mayen.  Sometimes they follow the squid very close to the shore.  More males than females have been observed in Icelandic waters, but the proportion is equal off Jan Mayen.

Males reach the age of puberty at 9-11.  Mating takes place in April, the gestation period is one year, and the calf is 3 m long at birth.  Pregnancy probably occurs every second year.  The mainstay of the food is squid (Conatus fabricii and Ommatostrephes todarus).  Bottlenoses are very sociable, but males are sometimes solitary.  They dive down to 1000 metres and stay submerged up to 70 minutes.  Once a harpooned bottlenose stayed submerged for two hours.

The world population is unknown, but according to estimates, 42.000 animals should be in Icelandic waters.









Which way now?

Environmentalists hope to save the whales - again



Japan backs Iceland's whaling decision Seattle Post Intelligencer - 18 Oct 2006
TOKYO -- Major pro-whaling nation Japan on Wednesday welcomed Iceland's decision to resume commercial whaling, saying Iceland's catch won't "endanger the whale ...


Iceland whaling decision condemned


Greenpeace 'disappointed' by Iceland's whaling plans ABC Online


Moves begin on Iceland's whaling BBC News


Monsters and - Radio New Zealand



Greens dismayed at Iceland whaling decision (press release), New Zealand -

17 Oct 2006 News that Iceland is to begin commercial whaling after a 20-year 

hiatus is being greeted with dismay by Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei. ...



Iceland to Resume Commercial Whaling  Los Angeles Times, CA - 17 Oct 2006
REYKJAVIK, Iceland -- Iceland said Tuesday it would resume commercial whaling after a nearly two-decade moratorium, defying a worldwide ban on hunting the ...



Green warrior to come to Iceland IcelandReview, Iceland - 20-10-06
... According to RÚV, the US government is also opposed to Iceland resuming commercial whaling and has the power to block all imports from Iceland to USA. ...



Today's Scoop Just Politics News Summary 17 Oct 2006 (press release), New Zealand - commercial whaling administered by the International Whaling Commission. See... Greens dismayed at Iceland whaling decision



Update: Finnair strike expected to continue next week International Herald Tribune, France -  hours ago
... "We have received several e-mails from people saying they have decided not to visit Iceland as long as Iceland is conducting whaling," said Thorunn ...



Tharp She Gets Shot! The Return of Whaling in Iceland    19 Oct 2006

Plenty Magazine, NY -  which Iceland’s whales have been protected from hunters came to an end on Tuesday, when the country’s lawmakers voted to resume commercial whaling in the ...



Whaling is affecting tourism IcelandReview, Iceland - 19 Oct 2006
... of Swiss travel agency Baldinger Reisen AG sent a written statement to yesterday, expressing his concerns about Iceland resuming whaling. ...



Iceland, Whales, Politics  FiNS Magazine, Singapore - 18 Oct 2006
... For a good overview on the Iceland decision and the issues associated with commercial whaling in general, see this recent article in the Guardian. ...



Iceland to resume commercial whaling after almost 2 decades USA Today 17-10-06
Critics say the "scientific" whaling practiced by Japan and Iceland is a sham. Norway ignores the moratorium altogether and openly conducts commercial whaling.



Iceland's Whaling Comeback - Preparations for the Resumption of ...

The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) is the leading international charity dedicated solely to the worldwide conservation and welfare of all ... allweb/B2460680BC28D8F480256D4A0040D97B



BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Moves begin on Iceland's whaling

Iceland's ambassador to Britain is summoned to explain his country's return to commercial



BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Iceland bids to resume whaling

Iceland reveals its plans to catch whales again for the first time since 1989, despite the international whaling moratorium.



Iceland Whaling v/s Whale watching. Whaling v/s Whale watching.

The most commonly used argument in Iceland is that whaling must be resumed before the whales start ... Yearly report on Iceland whale watching industry: ... 



My opinion: Iceland's reasons for scientific whaling are FUBAR and if we can ... I wonder how many of you criticising Iceland's whaling have actually read ...



Stop Icelandic whaling

Stop Icelandic Whaling: Arctic Sunrise Expedition 2005, Stop Icelandic Whaling: Arctic ... tourism in Iceland IF Iceland discontinues whaling. One Icelandic ...



Greenpeace 'disappointed' by Iceland's whaling plans. 19/10/2006

Greenpeace says it is very disappointed Iceland has decided to resume commercial whaling Iceland has authorised an annual hunt of 30 minke and nine of the ...



Earth Island Institute

Iceland's whaling proposal threatens its growing whale-watching industry. In 2002, more than 62000 people went whale-watching in Iceland. ...



Japan backs Iceland's whaling decision - Yahoo! News

Major pro-whaling nation Japan on Wednesday welcomed Iceland's decision to resume commercial whaling, saying Iceland's catch won't "endanger the whale ... ap_on_re_eu/japan_iceland_whaling



Whales on the Net - Iceland Whaling Protest Letter

I am appalled to learn that Iceland has decided to resume commercial whaling under the guise of scientific research, and plans to kill 38 minke whales this ... 

















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