Featured in several combination stories, Wonderwoman is rarely published as a lone star. The television series starring Linda Carter was perhaps more popular, and of course the outfits that are very popular with the ladies for parties........
As a boy I looked forward to my adventure fix from comics. TV Century 21 was one of my favourites. I also liked reading about Spiderman, Superman, Iron Man and Batman. I wasn't so keen on the Incredible Hulk or the Fantastic Four.
Now we have so many superheroes to choose from its bewildering. I also liked reading about vampires and werewolves in the Strange Tales comics. My father would read the comics I bought and enjoy them as much as I did. It's hardly surprising then that there is a big market for longer stories
Since then, the comic has come of age as the graphic novel. Why? Because the stories have developed feature length, with superb quality artwork and colouring. It's no wonder that film companies are snapping up the film rights when the stories are virtual storyboards for a film. Indeed, the direction of many superhero films stems directly from the artwork of many graphic novels. What with digital technology and photoshop type applications, some graphic novels are now being produced from digital photographs, retouched and coloured to make the stills appear as graphic novel frames. See X-Men Origins. It's come full circle.
The films made from such graphic novel origins are though pretty damn good. One of the best in translation is probably Spiderman and now Iron Man. To my mind Batman is a close third, followed by Superman. it's a difficult translation to evaluate. The problem is just how far removed from reality the audience will accept. The answer to that is as far away as you can imagine, provided there is still a human element binding the concept to everyday reality. I really enjoyed Halle Berry as Catwoman, but then I like chic flicks.
Now of course we have Tin Tin directed by Steven Spielberg no less, and real actors faces digitally masked onto the graphic characters for realism. The world is thus truly your oyster. Imagine it, draw it, and who knows? And what a wonderful medium to get involved in. With just a few sheets of paper and some inks, you can put bring stories to life; make characters real. But it is an art-form all of its own with rules (more conventions or guidelines) as to layout, text, etc.
In fact, Blueplanet Netdirect Productions are looking for graphic artists, inkers and colourists to help them develop the John Storm adventure series into fullly fledged graphic novels: to be printed and distributed in the usual way, and, if the technology permits, for download to be read on an ipad or Kindle reader. Why not take a look at the John Storm link below to see an example chapter from the first of Jameson Hunter's books: Kulo Luna
Blake - Guilty Pleasures Batman
- Catwoman
- John
Storm - Kulo Luna Ironman
- Superman
- Tin
Tin - X
Men - Emily
Bronte - Wuthering Heights
Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Homes Alexander
Dumas - Count Monte Christo Amanda
Hocking - My
Blood Approves Jameson
Hunter - John Storm Arthur
Ransome - Swallows & Amazons Mary
Shelley - Frankenstein Robert
Louis Stevenson - Treasure
Island Jules
Verne - 20,000 Leagues U Sea Virginia
Woolf - To the Lighthouse New
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NOTE: You may download and enjoy the sample chapters on this site where allowed, provided one download is taken for your own personal use only. Please make no copies for unauthorised distribution.