Now in its 17th year, E/The Environmental Magazine is a bimonthly “clearinghouse” of information, news and resources for people concerned about the environment who want to know “What can I do?” to make a difference. A 13-time Independent Press Awards winner and nominee, E is chock full of everything environmental -- from recycling to rainforests, and from the global village to our own backyards.
Published bimonthly by a staff of six full-time and two part-time employees (plus a steady stream of college interns), E reaches a national audience in a smartly designed full-color format, printed on recycled paper. Published by the nonprofit (501-c-3) Earth Action Network, Inc., E is independent of any membership organization and has no agenda to promote except that of our very diverse and dynamic movement as a whole.
THE WIND mushrooming 28 percent annually over the
last five years. By
Jim Motavalli
MIGHTY WIND Wind in Massachusetts. How do these graceful wind turbines destroy our view? Are they worse than the and tankers (and their spills), and the ominous nuclear towers that have become symbols of another impending Chernobyl? By
Doug Moss
ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT majorities increased in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. By Alan Holder
E Magazine E reports on all the current and emerging issues:
...and MANY MORE...all with contact information so readers can investigate topics further.
And as a service to readers who seek ways to "green up" their personal lifestyles, E is loaded with practical information on a range of topics:
Most important, E helps readers become active! Over 700 readers responded enthusiastically to a recent questionnaire about actions they had taken in the last year. Here's what they said:
E is featured and quoted widely by the press, and is regularly syndicated by several national and international news agencies, including The New York Times syndicate, and AlterNet.
In fact, in calendar year 2004, over 100 articles from E's pages were selected for republication in other newspapers, magazines and on-line services. E reprints and excerpts can be found in scores of books, textbooks, teachers guides, research servces, and online in many forms, including extensively throughout the library market.
E Magazine’s also publishes and distributes EarthTalk, an environmental question-and-answer column, provided free weekly to newspapers, news services, environmental organizations and green-friendly companies. In direct fulfillment of E‘s editorial mission, EarthTalk is an effort to reach “beyond the choir” of committed environmentalists and offer highly useful information to sympathetic but uninformed people shown in poll after poll to be ready and even eager for “green” information.
EarthTalk answers reader-submitted questions on a wide range of environmental topics—“from the global village to your backyard”: “Is genetically modified food safe for human consumption?” “How do I remove the asbestos siding from my house and dispose of it properly?” “Are ‘environmentally safe’ household cleaners really better for my health and for water quality?” “How do I know if what I’m buying is truly organic?” Nearly 400 outlets presently carry EarthTalk, which has a total weekly readership approaching 4 million.
E recently published its first book, Feeling the Heat: Dispatches from the Frontlines of Climate Change, which is edited by E editor, Jim Motavalli, and includes the contributions of 10 of E’s regular writers and noted environmental photographer, Gary Braasch. Feeling the Heat expands on a September 2000 E cover story that profiled actual world “hot spots” where people are already coping day-to-day with the consequences of climactic disruption.
E has another book scheduled for release on Earth Day 2005, which will be a comprehensive guide to the environmental lifestyle. Written for general audiences, the book will provide an overview on current environmental issues, from recycling to rainforest protection, and will introduce readers to broad categories of environmental products and services, from natural and organic foods to non-toxic cleaners to eco-travel options.
For more information on making editorial contributions to E/The Environmental Magazine, select PHOTOGRAPHERS' GUIDELINES
Also, E Magazine offers INTERNSHIPS in its Editorial, Advertising, and Circulation departments.
E is carried by some 6,000 public, college and school libraries, and is indexed with many databases including H.W. Wilson, EBSCO, Infotrac, ProQuest Information and Learning, Thomson Learning and others.
If you have questions about your subscription or a problem with it, or need to change your address, please visit our Subscriber Services page, or contact: E
or artwork not accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped
envelope may not be returned. E Magazine makes
every effort to ensure that the products and services
advertised in its pages are consistent with the
environmental ethic we are trying to uphold and promote.
Opinions expressed in these pages do not necessarily
reflect the views of Earth Action Network, Inc.
Magazine Staff List
MORE LOCAL AGENDA 21 UK PARLIAMENT A-Z HOUSE OF LORDS A-Z UK COUNCIL'S AGENDA 21 Agenda 21 is a blueprint for sustainable development into the 21st Century. Its basis was agreed during the Earth Summit at Rio in 1992, and signed by 179 Heads of State and Governments. Is enough being done to halt Global Warming?
An Introduction to Our Climate
According to the National Academy of Sciences, the Earth's surface temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming during the past two decades. There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases – primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. The heat-trapping property of these gases is undisputed although uncertainties exist about exactly how earth's climate responds to them. Go to the Emissions section for much more on greenhouse gases.
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