Adventure Films & Computer Games





We are pleased to announce that we have recently acquired the franchise film rights to the John Storm series of books by Jameson Hunter to be promoted as part of an ocean awareness campaign.


The portfolio consists of :-


Kulo Luna

Cyber Wars

Operation Neptune

The Golden Skull

The Mummy

Operation Tsunami

The Holy Compass



PRODUCTION - Our objective is to raise the funding to produce a series of high concept feature films and computer games derived from these stories, based on a unique direct-to-the-public approach, or alternatively to sub-licence the IP rights to one of the big six film production houses, should such opportunity arise.


GENRE - These are the common attributes of a film to other films sharing the same general theme. Typically, a John Storm film is high adventure/action, intermingled with wildlife (nature) struggles, renewable energy against nuclear/oil - by way of good v evil. Or, greed v common good & equality.


John Storm is an intellectually resourceful action hero who sails on the wild side (high morals) despite a shady past. The Solar Navigator boat is a character in, or at least plays a part in the series, much as the Star Ship Enterprise, is a key component of the Star Trek films. Each film features subtle romance and powerful antagonists with near world domination objectives, ala Bond/Saint, etc, focusing on treasure, which may take many forms.


MARKETING - Instead of traditional 35mm celluloid, for our first release, we are looking at shooting and editing films in 3D in high quality digital (DV) format. Harnessing the traffic from this site may create promotional opportunities to sustain traditional future releases.


Conventional theatre releases may be bypassed moving directly to :-

  • Airlines

  • Hotel pay per view

  • Video rental

  • Video sale

  • Pay & free TV

  • Merchandising

  • Games

This is in line with the latest marketing strategies on Love Film and Netflix, etc.



Email:  Contact point for Blueplanet Netdirect Productions










This website is Copyright © 1999 & 2018  Electrick Publications & Blueplanet Netdirect Productions. 

The bird logos and name Solar Navigator are trademarks. All rights reserved.  Max Energy Limited is an educational charity.




NOTE: You may download and enjoy the sample scripts on this site where allowed, provided one download is taken for your own personal use only.  Please make no copies for unauthorised distribution.