solar biker yearns for sunny days
INTREPID charity worker is breaking new ground by using a
home-made solar-powered bike to travel from Land’s End to John
O’Groats—and back.
Derics (28) passed through Tayside as he continued the gruelling
first leg of his journey.
in to The Courier office in Perth, he admitted that solar power
was not always tremendously useful in Scotland and as he
travelled further north, he found himself increasingly reliant
on leg-power.
cycle is partially powered by solar energy and at the moment I
am daily travelling an average of 30 or 40 miles,” Karlis
said. “Two 60 watt solar panels charge the batteries, which in
turn power the electric motor.
terrain and weather conditions are moderate, this system will
work for a whole day without a need for external recharging.”
is a volunteer with the Food For All charity, which distributes
free meals to homeless and those with low incomes.
the cycle I stop to do little presentations in the towns and
cities with a laptop that is also powered by solar energy,” he
main work of the charity involves distributing free vegetarian
meals and I hope my solar powered bicycle will be utilised for
this purpose in the future.”
appreciates that he has a hard task ahead as his cycle continues
but is relishing the challenge—and particularly enjoyed visits
to Perth and Forfar.
the weather conditions have not been very favourable I am
enjoying the challenge,” he said.
in Tayside have been very good for cycling and the bad weather
is not putting me off.
Food For All charity distributes around 600 meals daily and the
goal of my cycling project is to attract people to a healthy and
environmentally friendly lifestyle.”
ambitious journey is being supported by the charity fund Awards
For All.
electric cycle conversion
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