after the 11:00 report are as follows:
) a
5,663 miles
from the finish
37 miles
38 miles
45 miles
91 miles
Brasil 1 (BRA), +
91 miles
246 miles

South Africa
), 5th of January 2005
three days of competition, the Spanish Round the World boat
remains in first place on the second leg
of the Volvo Ocean Race from
Cape Town
South Africa
, to
the night, the Spanish boat has seen how the winds carrying the
rest of the fleet, situated further south west, have enabled
them to reduce the distance between them and the "movistar",
which is headed for the ?Roaring Forties? at 13 knots, while the
American and Dutch teams in ?Pirates of the Caribbean and ?ABN
AMRO One? and ?Two? are already sailing at over 20 knots.
Spanish team?s hopes of maintaining the lead over the next few
hours lies in reaching the area of the 42nd parallel
as soon as possible (they have
50 miles
to go), where the westerly winds are blowing hard. There, they
can pick up the westerly winds that will enable them to set an
easterly course for the
Kerguelen Islands
, the first flying finish of the second leg of the Volvo Ocean
skipper, Bouwe Bekking, told us this morning how things had been
these last few hours with the strong head winds dropping as they
moved into areas of lighter winds: "What
a difference from last night!"
difference between the early hours of Wednesday and Thursday was
evident from what he described: "At
this time yesterday, we had 30 knots, two reefs in the main sail
and a small jib. Right now, we are doing five knots, but we can
still manage to do seven knots of speed, despite the
regard to the Swedish and Brazilian teams returning to shore, he
remarked, "the sad
news about Ericsson and Brasil1 reminds me of the first leg and
there has been lots of speculation aboard, about how this could
have happened to them. Now they are in the same situation as we
were just over a month and a half ago, headed back to port and
immensely disappointed. From the ?movistar?,
we wish you a good journey and good luck with the repairs".
light of what has happened in the fleet, the "movistar"
crew wanted to check that everything was working perfectly
"of course, we too
have checked our hydraulics, but as we control the cylinders in
a different way, I am not worried".
"We adjusted
the valves that release the pressure on the engine collector and
we check the pressures with external indicators, that way, at a
certain pressure, the cylinders will release the load. In other
words, the keel will move towards the centre, taking the
pressure off the whole system and the structure, but at the
expense of performance".
explains how the crew members in charge of hydraulics and
electrics checked everything "Pepe
and Chris examined the whole system, everything seems to be
fine, but the horror of having to return to port is constantly
on my mind, if something goes wrong. One of the things that
really bothers me is that I can?t call a hydraulics expert who
could explain why this has happened to the Ericsson, but the
rules do not allow that. I?ll be sure to put this to the Volvo
organisers as soon as we get to
foibles of the regulations really do not satisfy the skipper of
the "movistar".
"You can go
back to port and have all the outside help you like, but you can
not make a call or send an e-mail. There is no excuse, I should
have thought about it before".
pressure of being in charge aboard has not allowed him to enjoy
the 72 hours that they have been the leader: "Even
bearing in mind that we are doing well, I am not really enjoying
this, as the business of the hydraulic pistons is bothering me".
The rest of the crew, on the other hand, is really happy: "Incredibly,
the boys on deck don?t seem to be too bothered by this, a big
difference between being the skipper and being one of the crew.
They just carry on with their work, doing the best they can to
stay in first place".
tactics, Bekking explains what he and the navigator are going
through in these hours: "Capey
?Andrew Cape? and I
spend most of the time at the navigation table, examining
charts, talking about all the options and how we will position
the boat in comparison with our rivals" "Yesterday
afternoon, we left this bloody place for the first time, as we
have both been on standby for the sail changes since the
beginning of the leg".
three days, today has been the first day that they have really
managed to rest "It
looks like tonight will be the first comfortable night?s sleep
in a sleeping bag, you only have to look at Capey in his bunk...
fully equipped with all his clothes on, maybe he?s too lazy to
take them off, but, if necessary, he?s ready in a couple of
the "movistar"
last night, they were already foreseeing what has started to
happen with the fleet "the
next information about positions will be very interesting. We
all have to cross an area of high pressure and we think that we
have taken the right position and that we can do it a bit closer
than the rest, but even they will gain speed in the next few
days, as a front will come up on them from behind, so in
general, we expect all the boats will re-group and any of them
could lead the group".
Ejecutiva de Cuentas
Equipo Tecnología
Bassat, Ogilvy Consejeros de Comunicacion, Madrid
Office: +34-91-3984721
Fax: +34-91-3984727
E-mail: laura.naranjo@ogilvy.com

Town (South Africa). 4th of January, 2005
The “movistar”, Spanish boat
in the Volvo Ocean Race, remains a solid leader in the
general rankings of this second leg, after 48 hours and 400
miles of this leg, with a 27 mile lead over the second
placed boat, Mike Sanderson’s Dutch yacht “ABN AMRO
One”. American Paul Cayard in “Pirates of the
Caribbean” is lying third, 30 miles behind the Spanish
boat and only 3 miles behind the Dutch crew.
At four thirty in the morning, the skipper of the Spanish
boat wrote: “It has been like living
in a washing machine for the last twelve hours, bumping
around and crashing into the waves. We still have a head wind
and “we are delighted”. NO, we
hate it. We are dreaming about a nice run before the
wind. So it isn’t very comfortable anywhere: wet on deck and
very noisy down below, but things will get
better sooner or later. The
boys – talking about the rest of the crew – are
in good spirits and they are up for it. Eating
is a struggle, full of leftovers – referring how difficult
it is to get any food in your mouth -, but at least it is easy
to take on liquids.”
Concerning the “movistar” Watch Captain who left his
wife on shore just a few days before giving birth to
a child, the skipper comments that “Stu can’t wait,
he wants to know if she’s going to have another girl, if it is
finally going to be a boy. It had better be a boy if he is
not going to be outnumbered … so many women and just one
At the moment, the Spanish boat is
sailing with more wind pressure and they have tacked
south to find the “highway” of westerly winds in a few days
that will take them to the
first flying finish in the French Kerguelen Islands,
before heading for the Australian Eclipse Island (the second
flying finish) and on to the
end of the stage in Melbourne (Australia).
The organisers of the Volvo Ocean Race,
for their part, had officially announced that two
of the Spanish boat’s rivals have pulled out of the race
and headed back to shore for repairs; Neal McDonald’s
Swedish boat “Ericsson” with a problem in the
hydraulic system of the pivoting keel, and Torben Grael’s
“Brasil 1), with a structural failure in the hull.
This morning, Pedro Campos,
general manager of the Spanish “movistar” team,
remarked: “we are delighted to maintain the lead after 48
hours of competition, although we have to be cautious
because when we are beating up against the
wind, the situation can change in a
matter of a few hours”. With regard to how
the regatta will evolve in the hours ahead, the skipper
from Galicia was very cautious too, “The changes in the wind
ahead can cause any of the boats to gain or loose a
lot of miles. It is
all very open at the moment”.
About the problems with “Brasil 1” and
“Ericsson”, Pedro Campos told us this morning
“we have just heard about the problems
that Brasil and Ericsson are having and,
first of all, I would like to send them a
message of encouragement because we
know just how much you suffer in these circumstances.
We have given our shore team instructions to help both
teams if there is anything they can do to help”.
Campos talked to Alan Adler – general manager of
the Brasil 1 team -: “I have managed to find
Alan Adler, our good Brazilian friend, to pass on our
support personally and to offer all the help we can
provide. Let’s hope they can sort out their problems as soon
as possible and rejoin this really tough but exciting Round the
World Race.”
Ana Garcia
movistar Press Team
Office: +34-91-398 4738
E-mail: ana.garcia@ogilvy.com
Town (South Africa), December 16, 2005.
at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town port came across a new
tenant at Shosholoza, base of the local America’s Cup team.
The “movistar” is already resting on her cradle on South
African soil after her long journey from Puerto Real, Cadiz, and
is eager to hit the water again.
a long night of logistics work to complete unloading, set-up ad
transport of the “movistar” from the commercial dock to the
team base, the shore team started preparations yesterday for the
final tune-up before resuming ocean trials in Cape Town waters.
is a relief to finally have the boat here- said
skipper Bouwe Bekking during the team’s meeting yesterday. –
We worked hard at Portimao
and thanks to everyone’s efforts, the boat has arrived in Cape
Town 11 days before the start of the inshore regatta; that gives
us plenty of time to sail before going back to the fray”.
transport from Portimao to Cadiz, the conditions were not
appropriate for sailing, so we will test the boat here for the
first time. However, after seeing the result of the repairs
done, I am quite confident that she is as fine as ever, or even
better. We will be pushing her to the limit when we leave Cape
Town next January 2, so that confidence will come in handy”.
to the water on Sunday
the daily review of the schedule for the next days, Bekking
confirmed to the crew that they will be sailing this weekend. “If
everything goes as planned, we hope to be ready to return to the
water on Sunday. After that, we will have to sail as much as
possible and push the boat to her limits, especially against the
waves. It will be a busy schedule that will include offshore
team’s plans for the next weeks focus on sailing, but also on
physical training. “We
will train hard until Sunday – says “movistar”’s
trimmer Xabi Fernández -,
including jogging early in the morning and a few
Town (Afrikaans:
Kaapstad; Xhosa:
eKapa or SaseKapa) is the third most populous city
in South
Africa. It is the legislative
capital of South Africa, as well as capital of the Western
Cape province. Cape Town is famous for its natural harbour,
as well as its location near the Cape
of Good Hope. Its central area is dominated by Table
Mountain, so named after its flat top. Cape Town is located
at 33°55′ S
18°27′ E.

Town coat of arms
Town is the tourism
capital of South Africa, receiving the largest number of
tourists of any South African city.
area is also famous for its unique plant life: fynbos
(an Afrikaans
word meaning "fine bush"), a shrubby vegetation type
similar to other winter rainfall shrublands, in which proteas
are prominent and characteristic and which occurs nowhere else
but the Cape coastal belt, the adjacent mountains and some
isolated inland mountain tops. Fire is a necessary stage in the
lives of almost all fynbos plants. In readiness for fire, most
proteas retain their seeds on the bush for at least one year, a
habit known as serotiny.
They do this in structures which resemble the original
flowerheads. In some species these structures are strikingly
beautiful and long-lasting, which accounts for their use in
dried floral arrangements.
it is famous for the fine wines produced in the areas of Stellenbosch,
and Robertson.
When leaving Cape Town, you first
pass the suburbs and Cape
Town International Airport. After getting over the mountains
you enter the Karoo
in the north-east or the coast regions in the north and east.

of 4 waterfront harbours in Cape Town area
area today known as Cape Town was settled by the San
and Khoikhoi,
collectively known as the Khoisan,
long before the Dutch
East India Company (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie;
VOC) established a supply depot
in Cape Town in 1652.
By and large the indigenous people refused to deal with the Dutch,
so the VOC imported slaves
from Madagascar, India, Ceylon, Malaya,
and Indonesia
to deal with the colony's
chronic labour
shortage. There was also a shortage of women
in the colony, so the Europeans
exploited the female slaves for both labour and sex.
In time the slaves also mixed with the Khoisan. The offspring of
these unions formed the basis of sections of today's Cape
Coloured population and also helps explain the unique
character of the city's Cape
Malay population.
150-odd years of Dutch rule, Kaapstad, as the Cape
settlement became known, thrived and gained a wider reputation
as the "Tavern of the Seas", a riotous port
used by every sailor
travelling between Europe and the Orient.
But, by the end of the 18th
century, the VOC was nearly bankrupt,
making Cape Town an easy target for British imperialist
interests in the region. Following the British defeat of the
Dutch in 1806
at Bloubergstrand,
25 kilometres
north of Cape Town, the colony was ceded to the Crown
on 13
August 1814.
The slave trade was abolished in 1808,
and all slaves were emancipated
in 1833.
discovery and exploitation of diamonds
and gold
in the Highveld
region of South Africa in the 1870s
and 1880s
led to rapid changes. Cape Town was soon no longer the single
dominant metropolis
in the country, but as a major port it too was a beneficiary of
the mineral wealth that laid the foundation for an industrial society.
The same wealth led to imperialist dreams of grandeur on the
part of Cecil
John Rhodes, the premier of the Cape
Colony in ,
who had made his millions at the head of De
Beers Consolidated Mines.
1901 the government introduced racial segregation:
Africans were moved to two locations, one near the docks
and the other at Ndabeni
on the western flank of Table Mountain. This was the start of
what would later develop into the townships
of the Cape
Flats. In 1948,
the National
Party stood for election on its policy of apartheid
and won. In a series of bitter court
and constitutional
battles, the limited rights of blacks and coloureds
to vote in the Cape were removed, and the apparatus of apartheid
was erected. This resulted in whole communities being uprooted
and cast out to the Cape Flats.
government tried for decades to eradicate squatter
towns, such as Crossroads,
which were the focal point for black resistance to the apartheid
regime. In the last attempt between May
and June 1986,
an estimated 70,000 people were driven from their homes and
hundreds were killed. Even this brutal attack was unsuccessful
in eradicating the towns, and the government accepted the
inevitable and began to upgrade conditions.
after being released from prison on 11
February 1990, Nelson
Mandela made his first public speech in decades from the
balcony of Cape
Town's City Hall, heralding the beginning of a new era for
South Africa. Much has improved in Cape Town since; property
prices are increasing greatly and the city centre is becoming
safer, with the development of loft-style apartments
in grand old structures such as the Old
Mutual Building and the Board of Executors building. Full
integration of Cape Town's mixed population, however, remains a
long way off, if it is achievable at all. The African
National Congress (ANC) and the New
National Party (NNP) are working together on the City
Council, which is headed up by mayor Nomaindia
Mfeketo, a black woman. Meanwhile the vast majority of
Capetonians who live in the Cape Flats are still split along
race lines and suffer horrendous economic, social, and health
problems. Cape Town is dealing with the major problems like AIDS
and violent drug-related
crime in these areas.

Mountain view of Robben Island, Cape Town
Town is governed by a 200-member city council, who answer to a
28-member executive council. This in turn is presided over by a
city manager and an executive mayor. The current mayor is
Nomaindia Mfeketo and the current city manager is Wallace Mgoqi.
of the census of 2001, there are 2,893,251 people and 759,767
households residing in the city. The population density is
1,158/km². The household density is 304/km². The racial makeup
of the city is 31.68% Black African, 48.13% Coloured, 1.43%
Indian/Asian, and 18.75% White.
of all households are made up of individuals. The average
household size is 3.81.
the city the population is spread out with 26.6% under the age
of 15, 20.0% from 15 to 24, 33.4% from 25 to 44, 15.0% from 45
to 64, and 5.0% who are 65 years of age or older. The median age
is 26 years. For every 100 females there are 92.4 males. For
every 100 females age 18 and over, there are 89.3 males.
the city 41.4% of residents speak Afrikaans at home, 27.9% speak
English, 0.0% speak Ndebele, 28.7% speak Xhosa, 0.3% speak Zulu,
0.0% speak Sepedi, 0.7% speak Sesotho, 0.1% speak Setswana, 0.0%
speak SiSwati, 0.0% speak Tshivenda, and 0.0% speak Xitsonga.
0.7% of the population speaks a non-official language at home.
76.6% of residents are
Christian, 10.7% have no religion, 9.7% are Muslim, 0.5% are
Jewish, and 0.2% are Hindu. 2.3% have other or undetermined
of residents aged 20 and over have received no schooling, 11.8%
have had some primary school, 7.1% have completed only primary
school, 38.9% have had some high school education, 25.4% have
finished only high school, and 12.6% have an education higher
than the high school level. Overall, 38.0% of residents have
completed high school.
of housing units have a telephone and/or cell-phone in the
dwelling, 29.5% have access to a phone nearby, and 1.9% have
access that is not nearby or no access. 87.4% of households have
a flush or chemical toilet. 94.4% have refuse removed by the
municipality at least once a week and 1.4% have no rubbish
disposal. 69.3% have running water inside their dwelling, 84.4%
have running water on their property, and 98.7% have access to
running water. 80.1% of households use electricity for cooking,
75.0% for heating, and 88.8% for lighting. 80.7% of households
have a radio, 77.0% have a television, 21.3% own a computer,
76.4% have a refrigerator, and 45.5% have a cell-phone.
of the population aged 15-65 is unemployed. Of the unemployed
persons, 58.3% are Black African, 38.1% are Coloured, 0.5% are
Indian/Asian, and 3.1% are White. 34.8% of Black Africans are
unemployed, 15.8% of Coloureds, 7.1% of Indians/Asians, and 3.1%
of Whites.
median annual income of working adults aged 15-65 is R 25,774
($3,874). Males have a median annual income of R 28,406 ($4,270)
versus R 22,265 ($3,347) for females. The median annual income
by race is R 13,471 ($2,025) for Black Africans, R 23,012
($3,459) for Coloureds, R 44,233 ($6,648) for Indians/Asians,
and R 70,380 ($10,579) for Whites. The annual income
distribution in Cape Town is:
income 2.0%
12 – R 4,800 ($2 - $721) 4.4%
4,812 – R 9,600 ($723 - $1,443) 10.0%
9,612 – R 19,200 ($1,445 – $2,886) 25.7%
19,212 – R 38,400 ($2,888 - $5,772) 23.1%
38,412 – R 76,800 ($5,774 - $11,543) 18.1%
76,812 – R 153,600 ($11,545 - $23,087) 10.1%
153,612 – R 307,200 ($23,089 - $46,174) 4.4%
307,212 – R 614,400 ($46,176 - $92,348) 1.4%
614,412 or more ($92,350+) 0.8%
South Africa Census 2001

Town from space (NASA)
Town is a popular tourist destination, offering the visitor a
wide variety of activities such as water sports (including
diving, surfing and sailing), angling, wine-tasting, shopping,
scenic drives, mountaineering, hiking, kite-flying, hang-gliding
and parasailing, and bird- and whale-watching. Cruises around
the Cape of Good Hope are also popular among tourists.
most popular time for visitors is the summer from October to
March, though some visitors from more temperate climates might
find the height of summer (December and January) uncomfortably
hot. The city also becomes very crowded then as the local
holidaymakers descend on the city for their summer school
holidays. The most popular tourist attractions are, in order of
popularity: The Victoria & Alfred waterfront, a popular
shopping venue with thousands of shops, fine hotels, a
world-class marina and an aquarium; Table Mountain, which can be
accessed either by walking or a cable car; Signal Hill with the
Noon gun, Cape Point; and Boulders Beach, home to a colony of
penguins. The Cape Peninsula and the region around Cape Town
offer wonderful walking and hiking opportunities from right in
the middle of the city where the mountains can be accessed very
easily (such as Lion's Head and Devil's Peak) to further afield
in the surrounding mountain ranges.
trips can be undertaken from the Victoria & Alfred marina to
visit Robben Island. It is a well known spot for windsurfers/kitesurfing,
mainly in the summer seasons (September to February).
boat trips can be undertaken from Simonstown (the main South
African naval base) on the False Bay coast to Seal Island and
Cape Point and from Hout Bay, a fishing harbour on the Atlantic
coast of the Cape Peninsula, to Duiker Island which has a
population of 6000 seals in breeding season dropping to 1500
seals in the off season.
of the world's largest population of Southern Right Whales
occurs in the breeding season (August to November) and can be
found off the coast of the Cape Peninsula and the surrounding
coast of the Western Cape. Many local observation points allow
sightings from close by. Hermanus is the most famous and whales
often come within 100yds of the shore there but they can be seen
in False Bay, as can Bryde's Whale, which occur all year.
Heaviside's Dolphin is endemic to the area and can be seen from
the coast north of Cape Town, especially from Lambert's Bay
where boat trips run to view them. Dusky Dolphin can be seen
along the same stretch of coast but is more active with a swept
back dorsal fin which is distinctly two-toned. This species may
be seen from the ferry to Robben Island.
wineries offer tastings and informative tours are available.
August and September are the best time to visit the west coast,
because the desert comes to life after the winter rains and the
wild flowers bloom in profusion.
cable car system takes visitors to the top of Table Mountain,
though it only operates in good weather as gale-force winds can
make it dangerous or clouds can obscure the view from the
summit. The operating status (open or closed) of the cable car
is posted on a signboard at Kloof Nek.
teams and stadiums
Town boasts two soccer teams in the Premier League, Santos
(based in Athlone) and Ajax Cape Town (based in Parow).
Cape Town suburb of Newlands is the home of the Western Province
rugby team, one of the powerhouses in South African rugby, as
well as Western Province cricket. Newlands is also home to one
of South Africa's four Super 12 rugby franchises, the Stormers.
clement weather of the region allows open air sports all year
round. Apart from team sports, golf and tennis are very popular
and facilities for these exist all over the city. Conditions for
scuba diving, surfing and both kite and board sailing are world
class and attract many foreign tourists.
Town International Airport is the second biggest airport in
South Africa and a major gateway for travellers to the Cape
Region. It offers a number of International flights to
destinations in Africa, Europe, Asia and North America. Nearly
all commercial airports in South Africa are served from here.
education in Cape Town
the University of Cape Town and the University of the Western
Cape are located within the Cape Town metropole, while
Stellenbosch University is within a 50 km reach. There is also
the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, formed after the
merging of the Cape Technikon and the Peninsula Technikon.
Port Races
Volvo Ocean Race is the ultimate mix of world class sporting
competition and on the edge adventure. It takes 8
months, covers 31,000 nautical miles of treacherous seas over 9
legs, in the process visiting 10 ports around the world.
teams comprise professional sportsmen and women at the top of
their game. The race requires their utmost skill, physical
endurance and competitive spirit as they race from continent to
continent in an easterly direction around the world.

The World Yacht Race 2005 - 2006:
Volvo Ocean Race is a marathon event. For nine months,
world-class racers battle each other around the globe over some
32,700 miles (52,600 kilometers). Participants spend weeks
at a time driving their boats to the limit 24 hours a day. They
sacrifice sleep, privacy, fresh food, and other comforts to win
each leg. But what happens when they reach the next port of
race doesn't stop-it just shifts gears. Weary sailors get a
chance to rest and prepare for the next leg, while the shore
crew swings into action. After weeks of demanding action, and a
spartan existence at sea, the first things these exhausted
sailors crave are basic human needs.
event will start on November 5, 2005 with an inport race in
Sanxenxo, Galicia, Spain.
race track will continue to follow the traditional route of the
old clipper ships, sailing around the world with the prevailing
winds. An exciting new feature introduced for this event
is a number of scoring gates and pit stops around the world,
where the fleet will be able to score points, which will count
towards the final score.