Can the Labour party get a plan together to stir the nation to action?





Both Labour and Conservative parties will promise just about anything in the run up to the General Election to get elected.  But have either party said anything genuine about tackling climate chaos?  In 2005 we looked to Ed Miliband to lead the UK to sustainable prosperity.  Also, see the proposed Green Bill and Sir Nicholas Stern's report. Now, in 2024, Labour, Ed and Sir Keir Starmer, get another roll of the dice.



Promises, Promises.  Yet we are falling well behind with the targets we agreed during the Kyoto and other Agenda 21 talks. And then came the Paris Agreement of 2015. And yes, we are still falling behind.





Sir Keir Starmer's first speech as newly elected Prime Minister, Number 10 Downing Street 5th July 2024 - Labour Party



"In 2024 the British public decided It's Time for Change"





Not that the United Kingdom is the worst country by any means, but when talk goes to starting up another Nuclear drive, it is clear the politicians are desperate enough to want to pollute the planet radioactively. The worst offenders of all are the administrations still having a love affair with oil. Unfortunately, we're not a politicians, we are social engineers - campaigning for common sense.  But who would vote in a party, when they are likely to support unpopular conservation policies. Another real danger is any nation that lives only to gain in military strength, with no thought for the welfare of their population. They are treating their citizens as more of disposable assets than any capitalist free democracy. And what of respect for freedom of thought and religion. We must learn to embrace the beliefs of our neighbors. It is the good and decent thing to do.


Breast cancer pledge

Women with suspected breast cancer will be seen by a specialist within two weeks, Labour pledged. Health minister Melanie Johnson, who fought breast cancer, said: "If you value the NHS, you need to vote for it .” More >>


Keep the NHS free with Labour. Pic: Richard Maude
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Manifesto 2005

Full details of Labour's 112-page election manifesto >>




Why do you think politicians need to resort to stealth taxes?


Other issues involve stealth taxes.  Take Road Tax.  This tax was introduced to pay for road building, yet only about 5% actually goes to build roads.  The rest is diverted to support other high spend areas, such as protecting crooked planning officers.

We need honest taxes for honest purposes?  We need an efficient central government and an efficient local government.  We do not need dishonest MP's and local officials milking the system for their own purposes, building empires and wasting roughly £10 million a year defending rigged decision making.  We need affordable housing, decent schools, and sensibly priced services.  At the moment council tax is crippling most folk, being used to underpin golden pensions for chief executives and to pay for the silence of workers who discover fraud and vendettas, and are then rewarded from the tax payers purse - for not blowing the whistle.  Not to mention the fact is is a grossly unfair tax aimed only at people who are sitting targets.  It is the people who work the hardest, who are bailing our inept government, needlessly.


Speaking of corruption, don't forget the Post Office Horizon scandal, with 900 false convictions, seeking to hide the truth. And then we have the NHS Covid contaminated bloods. The UK is a cesspool of whitewash with no Article 13 Effective Remedy, as the mechanism that prolongs injustices. In 2024 King Charles III is powerless to right serious wrongs.











Did the Conservatives under David Cameron, deliver the goods? NO. What of his successors, Teresa May, Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunack. Not a chance. They all borrowed to sustain unsustainable policies, leaving a £2.7 trillion financial Black Hole. All they did was feather their own nests.

In the UK the Conservatives were all but wiped out as a political party, by a very angry electorate.  The mess they left behind is staggering, a mound of woe for Keir Starmer and his crew to try to put right. Unfortunately, we live in a democracy - where civil servants rule!  Most politicians are mouthpieces of convenience. Why? That is how to get elected.  If a politician were to tell it straight they wouldn't stand a chance!


And speaking of civil servants and local authority staff, many of them can be replaced. There are far too many doing far too little.


In the years to come, alternative parties have a chance to build sustainable policies and build the trust of the electorate. That is not to say Labour might not crack sustainability. But they are talking about growth - when the planet is all used up. They should be talking about greater efficiency, cost savings and better use of the skills and talents of the people.


Sadly, the UK is forced to spend more on defense. With the likes of Vladimir Putin stalking around Europe, looking for places to park his tanks. And Xi Jinping exporting unrealistically cheap goods, designed to undermine the economy of democracies with genuine free elections.


What is their problem. Nobody wants to invade them. All the free world wants is to be treated fairly, as they would treat other nations who did not continually push their geographical boundaries.


















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