What is the future for man on Earth? As the only truly intelligent species on the planet, can we learn from our mistakes - or are we out of our depth? It's an important question, because as masters of technology and the dominant life-form we have the ability to annihilate other life forms and the environment that supports them as we plunder all that around us in the name of profit.
What happen when we've used up all our aces? When the oil runs out. What happens when the tide turns against us - a tide that we've helped to create with poor energy management leading to global warming?
We could plan to plunder or colonise other planets as predicted in many science fiction stories. But is that really practical? Could a series of flat-pack space stations contain every species on Earth, like one giant Noah's Ark, with energy and food supplies to guarantee survival of mankind. If that were possible, and the limitation is here again our natural resources, would it actually yield an energy or materials profit, or perhaps put those astronauts at considerable risk during a journey into the unknown?
Man evolved over millions of years to be a hunter and problem solver. His female counterpart is a nest maker and socialite. Surely, with a combination of these skills and a good dose of common sense we might join hands as nations united to solve a common problem, instead of constantly fighting each other for political brownie points. We should perhaps respect each others beliefs and accept each others right to hold such beliefs dear as a prerequisite to achieving environmental stability.
Many agree that our biological roles are no longer relevant in this day and age, where anyone with ability gets the lead role and indeed, the gentler sex, with their multi-tasking brain potentially has the advantage when it comes to communication. It is a biological fact that men cannot multi-task with their brains, simply because they are wired differently in order to fulfill their primary function as a hunter - a lunch chaser.
Women are hard wired to communicate and watch the nest, which requires them to be able to monitor several activities at once. For this reason the female of the species has wider peripheral vision, the male's focus in dead ahead, designed to focus on the kill. A woman's brain has many more connections between left and right lobes than a male. It's a bit like a computer with two hard drives, left and right. The male computer has one ATA 130 ribbon cable linking hard drives, the female has two serial ATA cables passing information between drives. This is not myth, this is now proven scientific fact, made possible by real time brain scan studies.
Fascinating though this is, understanding the differences in our make-up will not save the planet................ It's up to all of us to pull together. Those who think only of themselves are not helping. Greed is and always has been bad for another human somewhere - those in favoured positions profiteering from ordinary folk: Bankers and politicians. Big business is also to blame. I'm not a socialist, I'm an ordinary man who sees what is happening around me and wants a fairer deal for everyone. A sustainable planet with sustainable policies and a decent standard of living for everyone. If we are to be taxed, we want taxes to be spent to the benefit of all those contributing. We want accountability and most of all we want forward planning - planning for the future - not just another leader stepping up to milk the present system. A system which has caused economic catastrophe, global warming and increasing debt for the ordinary man trying to eke a living.
Have you ever wondered why we still have males and females, where cloning and DNA manipulation could make that a thing of the past. Indeed, what about cybernetic organisms using cloned humans. This is one possible way of preserving intelligent life after the world is unable to feed itself. Modern life inevitably leads to sexual cannibalism. Human females are constantly fighting males for supremacy. They know that males a stronger physically and like the Praying Mantis and Black Widow spider, they only need the sperm of a male, who is then redundant for their purposes.
On the other hand human males may impregnate a woman and do a bunk, thus escaping being eaten alive, except of course for child support (which is a form of being eaten alive). Men might escape this trap altogether with cloning and DNA designer babies. The same may be argued from a female perspective, except that they usually need to milk the male financially to survive in our money oriented world. This is a serious problem where males are typically more creative, thus driven to progress mankind. Typically, not exclusively, though statistically progress is male led. Thus to socially castrate men is regressive evolutionarily.
In some flowers (and animals) the organism will have both male (androecium) and female (gynoecium) reproductive structures, including stamens, carpels, and an ovary. Flowers that contain both androecium and gynoecium are called androgynous or hermaphroditic.
Imagine then if you will humans with both sex organs in a world where there are truly equal opportunities. Such a situation will cure the disease of sexual cannibalism currently rife in developed countries. We could then lose sex based industries that are energy wasteful. Humans, unlike animals, do not need hunters and nest maker specialisation. That is long gone.
Index to navigate Animal Kingdom:-
A heartwarming adventure: Pirate whalers V Conservationists, with an environmental message. For release as an e-book when the time is right.
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