joined us in September 2000. Since that time he
has flown to Caracas twice to monitor and record
output curves from the Sun over continuous 12 hour
periods. Malcolm also advised on the
practicalities of living onboard and working the
vessel, seaworthiness and dock-ability of the

also constructed several 1/40th model vessels to try
different solar arrays + a pair of 1/20th
hulls, which are still in use as a base line for
comparing other catamaran hulls. His swimming
pool became a test tank to simulated storm conditions
and for full size experiments to measure the thrust
efficiency of various motor/propeller configurations.
Brought up in the wilds of North Cornwall, Malcolm is
best at home on the water. In 1959 he was
indentured to The New Zealand Shipping Company as a
Deck Cadet, and spent four years circumnavigating the
as an officer, he sailed far and wide and organised
the British Sub Aqua Club on various bases. In
1970 he started a diving school in North Cornwall,
returning to Civil Aviation in 1972, he has accrued
15,000 hours flying all over Europe.
accomplished yachtsman, he cruises extensively with
expert sea cook wife Rosemary and adult children Emma
and Ben. Old hands at Cowes Week, Malcolm is
keen to see Solar Navigator sail her way into the
record books.