Yes You Can Books’ is
a series of inspirational picture books for young children written by
Claire Carpenter - herself a working mother. Claire believes that the
formative years of a child's life are the most important in shaping
their future.
of these stories is written to encourage self-esteem, a positive outlook, an open mind and a courageous heart.
'Yes You Can Books'
make perfect bedtime stories for you and your child to read together. They’ll entertain your child through
humor, engaging stories and lively illustrations. At the end of each story there are a number of questions which will stimulate your child to think about the story and ideas in more depth.

says that she spent many years working in Corporate Banking in the City of London. It was there, bored and uninspired, that
she began reading book after book in the field of personal development.
She read Jim Rohn, Deepak Chopra, Brian Tracy, Paul McKenna and Susan Jeffers,
and many others. While reading these books (sometimes called the “literature of possibility”), it hit
her like a sledgehammer that She’d given up on all her dreams and ambitions, and ended up with a job and a life that
she didn’t want.
is quoted as saying: "When I had children of my own in 2001, I was determined that the same thing wouldn’t happen to them. I wanted to teach them to believe in themselves and hold on to their dreams. All the lessons I’d learned from the masters of self development: about goal setting, persistence, strength of character and positive attitude, I wanted to pass on to my children."
"I wondered how I could deliver these complex messages to young children in a fun and inspiring way. So I began writing humorous stories that would encourage children everywhere to take responsibility for their lives and their behaviour. I found a (fabulous) illustrator, and together we created Hold on Tight and Something Odd… the first two books in my series Yes You Can Books."
As well as children’s books, Claire also write articles for the press and parenting
magazines. She has had articles published in The Times, The Independent, London Mums, Vivacious Mums, Working Mums and Lime
magazine, which you might see using the links below. Claire runs workshops in schools, performs regular speaking engagements and provides one-to-one coaching in public speaking.

The Highs and Lows of Self-Publishing
In an upbeat and entertaining talk Claire draws on her own experiences of self-publishing to help other writers navigate the tricky path to publication date and beyond. She’ll give examples of some of her calamitous mistakes, and also of her triumphs. She’ll offer tips and tricks that all writers can use to publish and promote their books. Delivered with sincerity and humour, this talk is perfect for writers groups and anyone interested in self-publishing.
Roots and Wings:
Claire delivers a fascinating and poignant talk, vividly bringing to life her grandmother’s childhood in rural Northern Ireland in the early part of the last century. Full of captivating stories, she demonstrates how the lessons we learn in childhood have a powerful and lasting effect on the rest of our lives. An uplifting and inspiring talk, perfectly suited for Rotary Clubs, Women’s Institutes and any groups with an interest in Irish history.
get the message Claire - and well done!
Tony Flood, Chairman of Anderida Writers:
"Claire Carpenter is a captivating, vibrant speaker and I have greatly enjoyed listening to her talk on three occasions on different subjects.
She gave a most interesting, informative and uplifting talk to members of Anderida Writers about the 'pros and cons' of self publishing and marketing as well as referring to the advantage to authors of speaking in public about their books.
Claire fully engages with her audience with whom she has great rapport. Her helpful, friendly manner and sense of humour makes everyone feel relaxed and receptive to what she has to say."
Carpenter with Dec Cluskey [The Bachelors] receiving her awards
*National Finalist in the College of Public Speaking Corporate Challenge Contest 2012*
* Winner of Eastbourne Speakers Club Evaluation Competition 2011 and 2012 *
* Winner of Area 32 Toastmasters Evaluation Competition 2011 *
Odd... |
Tight |