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Although oil has been useful to mankind as a stop gap measure to technological advances, the future is limited, not only because the oil wells will run dry, but also because we are polluting ourselves into an early grave and taking our children with us.
Plan ahead for a better future
As oil shortages become commonplace, the world economy will collapse, jobs will go, mortgages go unpaid and life as we know it will disappear rapidly. Politicians and World Leaders will blame everything but themselves as they grapple to secure the sticky brown goo that is the lifeblood of our present civilization, and tumble us into a Third World War. In your lifetime you probably already have experienced panic buying at your local petrol stations. At the moment most of the world is held to ransom by the oil exporting nations. You might as well accept it - it's a fact.
That this is so is all to apparent as the USA has shown us, whenever their supplies of cheap oil are threatened: They start a war against = Iraq = Kuwait and we believe any other country who stands to block the American way of life. So what is the American way of life? Is it stealing the lollipop from the boy next door? No far from it! What is so strange is that this was the land of pioneers, prepared to go out into the wilderness and tame the wild west. This powerful nation has the ability and expertise to implement a cleaner future. That they refuse to abide by the targets set by Agenda 21 and the Kyoto Protocol, disqualifies them as the school prefect. A role they have enjoyed playing during two World Wars.
We are not saying it is wrong to protect one's lifestyle, but it is wrong to do so at the expense of your neighbour. There is no justification for invading another country on some pretext or other, when in reality, you are concerned to safeguard your cheap oil supplies and in doing so send a message to other suppliers to tow the line. There is no justification for taking human life at all and no justification for bullying. This of course applies to the terrorist groups who are fighting for what they perceive as injustice - there is simply no excuse for taking life.
Indeed, every nation owes a duty of care to every other nation - it's common law. Instead of spending the national budget spying on other countries and developing weapons to kill them, those same sums could be devoted to developing Solar Cars for transport; wind and wave power, efficient houses that are warm and generate their own power and hot water.
Oil rich nations need not fear they might lose out, because their oil will remain as precious as ever. Oil is a resource which is valuable to mankind for many things which solar and other renewable sources of energy could never replace. However, as the energy bank for us all, this natural deposit must be used wisely.
World leaders, corporations and private citizens are all welcome to join our mission to promote peace and alternative sustainable energy, as the ultimate transition to secure economies. Participants by donation or other association may benefit from a conventional sponsor association or may remain anonymous benefactors. Participants may just want to show that they support the ideals we stand for.
We believe there is a viable and sustainable future for us all using alternative energy, and by reducing the use of chemicals in everyday use. Men and women of all nations may live together in peace. Weapons of mass destruction, are the last resort. Nuclear fission, even for generating electricity, should also be used sparingly, and eventually phased out.
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